Entries by John Enzzo

How to wear skinny jeans

There are essentially three ways to successfully wear the skinny jeans trend:  1. Skinny Jeans Tucked Into Boots Flare, bootleg and wide legged jean styles are a total pain to tuck into boots: they bunch, wrinkle, and can even make it impossible to zip up the boots themselves. That’s why the typical mode of wearing […]

Για ποιόν χτυπάει η καμπάνα ?

Η απόλυτη τάση της δεκαετίας του 70”, δεν θα μπορούσε ποτέ να είναι πιο σύγχρονη!     Ο λόγος φυσικά για τις μοναδικές καμπάνες που λατρεύτηκαν από τους απελευθερωμένους hippies και χαρακτήρισαν μια ολόκληρη εποχή. Τα ethnic σύνολα μας βρήκαν και πάλι το σπίτι τους στο 2014-2015 με πρόθεση να εγκατασταθούν στις καρδιές μας.   […]

Who wears denim?

People believe that jeans is an American invention and tradition but is seems that its history starts in Europe back in the 1500’s. The word denim comes from the name of a twill fabric called serge, originally made in Nîmes, France. It was originally called serge de Nîmes and later shortened to denim.The word ‘jeans’ […]